The Walker Family
The Walker Family

The little one

For a few weeks now our pride and joy has been known as Jack. This little bundle of sunshine takes up most of our time and attention; we're sleep deprived, but very happy.

Jack managed to enter the world on the exact date he was due. Of course, mother and child had to stay in hospital a few days longer, but it wasn't long until our young family was together at home.

Back at home

Jack gazed wide-eyed at his new four walls. We knew well in advance that we were having a boy, so Jack's room is decorated all in blue. We think his first impressions of the place were pretty positive – in any case, it was all so stressful that he was soon fast asleep on the sofa. We sat down beside him and took a deep breath – the first stage was over.

Birth information

Date of birth 18/09/09 5.23 p.m.
Height 21 in
Weight 7.3 lbs
Place of birth Cleckheaton Hospital


Home page online
On my new website I introduce myself, my family, our home and our hobbies.

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© Shaun Walker